Dr. Brandon Briggs

Professor - Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alaska - Anchorage

Brandon R. Briggs, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Core Director for the Advanced Instrumentation in Microbiome Studies (AIMS) Core facility, and Chief Technology Officer of Arctic Biotech Oath. Dr. Briggs is a geomicrobiologist with over 20yrs experience in microbe-metal interactions. He has gained extensive experience in microbe-metal interactions by working on iron reduction in clays, acidophilic iron reducers, bioremediation of chromium, and the effects of metals on the microbiota in hot springs. More recently, Dr. Briggs has applied his knowledge of microbe-mineral interactions to develop a novel and sustainable method for extracting, concentrating, and separating rare earth elements. This biotechnology doesn’t use hazardous or toxic chemicals and is more efficient and cost effective than current technologies.