USEA Briefing - Climate Change: What Should We All Do Now?

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

You’ve heard the issues and opinions regarding climate change. So what now? Many recent reports say we are facing a crisis – perhaps an existential one - and argue it is critical to act aggressively now. Can we – must we - or should we - regulate or legislate away from this apparent precipice? And what can actually get done?

  • Do any of the proposed Federal laws have a shot? Which ones (there’s more than the Green New Deal)?
  • Which states have the most promising initiatives, and are any a good model?
  • What if any pricing approaches (e.g., carbon taxes or markets) have worked, and might make sense?
  • What combination of technology R&D and other standards/incentives (e.g., RPS, CAFE, EEPS, DR, etc.) makes sense?
  • How much should we focus on international programs and other countries’ efforts?
  • How about individual company commitments and technological advancement – how critical are they?

The bottom line is - can we afford it all, can we afford not to, or should we take partial measures? Come and engage with our speakers – who have diverse opinions - on these issues. Don’t miss this informative and engaging panel on perhaps the most salient energy issue of our time.