June 21st, 2018
Program Publications

Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and regulators in the Black Sea region have come together to collaborate on a first-of-its-kind report that provides a path to dramatically increase reliability and energy security in the region.

July 20th, 2017
Program Publications

Through funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Greening the Grid (GTG) project, five Indian officials participated in a five-day study tour of various U.S. utilities and system operators. The delegates examined U.S. approaches to enabling the economic dispatch of renewable energy, expanded coordination in operations, and resource flexibility.

June 13th, 2017
Program Publications

Together with PTC India Ltd. and the National Power Training Institute, USEA organized three week-long modules to help Nepal and other South Asian countries build their capacity for designing, managing and operating a power trading entity and better understand the principle issues involved in setting up a such an entity in their countries. The first two modules were held at the National Power Training Institute in Faridabad, India, while the third module was held at PTC’s New Delhi offices, and included a visit to the Indian Energy Exchange.

May 19th, 2017
Program Publications

Tanzanian, Rwandan, and Ugandan representatives discuss contract negotiations and project management in a week-long training in Arusha, Tanzania

May 15th, 2017
Program Publications

Delegates from The Tanzania Electric Supply Company Ltd, Energy And Water Utilities Regulatory Authority, and the State Mining Corporation participate in an executive exchange to Brazil to meet with stakeholders to discuss reverse power auctions.

January 23rd, 2017
USAID Reports
Program Publications
January 17th, 2017
USAID Reports
Program Publications

Executives from Tanzania’s natural gas sector took part in a five-day executive exchange. During the exchange, conducted by the U.S. Energy Association (USEA) as part of the U.S.- Tanzania Utility Partnership, the 4-member Tanzanian delegation met with U.S. energy companies and government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Energy, the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee, and a visit to Cheniere’s Sabine Pass LNG Terminal.
