Beginning in November 2020, USEA, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy (DOE-FE), and Carpenter Global organized a series of monthly Regional Workshops on Critical Minerals Sustainability. The objective of the workshops was to assist DOE-FE in its stakeholder information gathering efforts regarding the building out of a Domestic and Sustainable Critical Minerals Supply Chain. Held virtually, the workshops focused on the following regions: Western U.S. (November), Appalachia and Eastern U.S. (December), Gulf Coast (January), and the Midwest and Plains (February). The Regional workshops focused on the areas of Assessment of Available Resources, Industrial Activity Across the Entire Critical Minerals (CM) Supply Chain, Regional Policy Context, and Regional Needs and Opportunities for Research & Development (R&D) followed by facilitated breakout listening sessions. A fifth workshop was also conducted in March to gather feedback from DOE's National Laboratories on their work in the Critical Minerals arena. This report summarizes the data collected and feedback received through this series of workshops. Also included on this page are the presentations open for sharing. 
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